Pam is a wheelchair user that I was paired with to assess pain points for a specific issue with accessibility. Pam has had difficulties locating a wheelchair bag that works best for her lifestyle. There are issues with current bags on the market, which can easily be fixed with feedback from actual users.
Pam needs a stylish, functional, and durable bag that resembles a purse, so that she can store and access her items easily.
Her design criteria is as follows:
Pam is on the go and needs easy access to her things, she listed out her priorities to ensure that this bag is good for her. The bag will be on the back of her wheelchair and as she has limited range of motion, the ease of accessing her things is of utmost importance.
Pam went through the current contents of her bag that need to be included. These being present will exponentially better her experience.
Pam decided on her materials and colors moving forward that would appeal to her style as well as increase her ease of access.
The contents of the bag paired with the necessary fabric, fasteners and stability. Pam provided her insight every step of the way. She made me aware of her specific issues with the exact book bag that she uses now so that these issues were not present in the bag I made her.
Pain points associated with her current bag and the things that she does not want to be included in the design of her new wheelchair purse.
What I heard: Initial feedback from peers on range of sketches.
Sketching Brain Dump with Details! (based off of feedback)
I drew the potential bag shapes on her chair. She chose to move forward with the purse-like one without the handles as they serve her no purpose.
Inspiration moving forward - chosen by Pam.
Sketches based off of the middle bag chosen by Pam. Incorporation of all of the details, compartments, hardware and materials.
Cost effective prototyping with muslin fabric.
Prototype Feedback on three different bags directly from user (Pam).
Final Design Specs: Front and inside pockets, magnet closure, texture identifications, no handles/straps and an inside water bottle pocket.
Pam Pack in use!